They start with “Once upon a time designers” which is enough to get designers hooked and assures them that if they stay here for the rest of the video, we have a fairy tale that can help them in real life.
Then it tags the viewers with a representation of themselves (character).
And jumps into the issue designers face and the solution Spline offers

Through an out-and-out blending of voice-over and visualization, Spline states that designers are facing a flat world (The design world), and mastering the world of 3D is an uphill battle.

And here comes Spline, represented as a magical orb, which was descended from the fairy tale heaven, where creativity and technology go hand in hand.
The beautiful voice-over - introducing the brand
At Spline we believe every designer deserves a world with dimension
We created an astonishingly simple, web-based, real-time app that brings out 3d in everything you do
Explaining the product with the simplest of examples
Without complicating the video with unwanted technical jargon or overly ambitious top-notch art examples, they conveyed the story with a simple example of turning a simple 2D square into a 3D cube and customizing it according to your needs. After that video seamlessly introduces their collaboration feature.

Spline ends the video with a promise!

The voiceover towards the end of the videos works as a promise to the designers
"Spline makes 3D easily, so your creativity can flow in a whole new direction with a lot more depth, interaction, and collaboration"
Towards the end, along with the promise-filled voiceover, they reveal an attractive feature
With Spline, there’s no waiting on a rendering
Address the targeted audience at the beginning itself
Use simple and beautiful voiceover
Avoid unwanted technical jargon and explanations
End with a promise